Testimonial of Patients relative. Complex case of Type B Aortic dissection, in which because of high BP there is tear in wall of major blood pipe (Aorta)arising from heart, which lead to creation of false track where blood flow & keep compressing true/main blood pipe lumen, causing decrease flow to vital organs like kidney, intestine, liver. This condition if not treated timely it can be fatal. This is the similar case of patient with type B Aortic dissection whose life is saved by minimally invasive( done with small cut in groin area) Endovascular stenting.
Successful Varicose vein camp conducted by Dr Hemant Chaudhari, Vascular surgeon, Pune at Ahmednagar on 18,19 May 2024 in presence of Padmashri Awardi Mr Popatrao Pawar sir. 121 patients took benifit of camp.
Crossing of blocks in leg artery during angioplasty.
Sharing an interesting case left foot gangrene with extensively blocked left leg arteries treated with complex bypass surgery.